Businessline block steps – the versatile product range
Precisely according to your templates or electronic data, we manufacture the complete steps in an assembly-friendly manner. It does not matter whether it is a straight or a drawn step. Whether corner cut-out or rounding. All components are ready for assembly, from the staircase entrance to the landing to the stair exit.
For a long time, the staircase was only a functional object and served as a connection between two or more floors. This has changed drastically in the meantime. Whether new construction or after renovation, the staircase plays an important role in interior design. The staircase is the calling card of her house. Often it is the first thing you see when you enter the property and the last thing you see when you leave it. Thus, the staircase is of particular importance.

These steps are produced in the usual “k-stairs Businesline” quality with authentic surfaces according to your specifications. This allows you to adapt the stairs to their individual ideas and the current living ambience.
Block steps made from a sustainable, resource-conserving core board are simply more beautiful, more ecological and, above all, healthier to live with.
Staircase system – block steps

Uncompromisingly good …
Besides quality, two points are of major importance to us!
Sustainable and resource-conserving
Finger-jointed Glued wood panels are a sustainable and resource-conserving core board. For the production of these massive panels there can be used shorter peaces of wood, so it is very effi cient to use nearly all of a tree.
Traffic category

Suitable for commercial areas with intensive use, according to category AC 5
All k-stairs Businessline staircases meet the requirements norm EN 16511

Anti-slip surface R9/R10

Stain resistant


Suitable for use on underfloor heating (warm water systems)

impact sound

Impact resistant