Our Foundation for Success and the Well-Being of All Involved!

For Our Company

Through profit-oriented work by all employees, we achieve adequate capital resources for our company. This enables healthy, environmentally friendly growth that secures our future.

As a grounded and manageable company, we are successful. The consistent implementation of our corporate philosophy by every employee ensures the preservation of this value.

To remain competitive in our market over the long term, we promote strategic and trustworthy collaboration with selected business partners.

As a modern company, we are open to all kinds of innovations. We embrace progress and invest in new technologies to secure our future and preserve the environment.

Safety and health protection are integral to our company’s philosophy and make an important contribution to our success.

Compliance with legal requirements is a given and is continuously reviewed.

For Our Employees

We strictly prohibit corruption. When initiating, establishing, and maintaining business relationships with partners, corruption must be prevented, as it is strictly forbidden. “Corruption” refers to any activity involving the misuse of authority or position for personal gain, including bribery or accepting bribes.

We ensure no discrimination against employees based on origin, skin color, religion, belief, marital status, maternity, age, political orientation, disability, health condition, sexual orientation, or any other reason.

We prioritize the satisfaction of our employees, recognizing that happy employees drive our company’s success.

As a family business, we value close relationships with our employees. Kindness, helpfulness, and teamwork contribute to a positive workplace environment.

We support our employees through excellent training and development programs. Sharing and building on experience and knowledge is a key component of our expertise.

By adhering to our management system, we promote quality, environmental protection, and workplace safety through careful and strategic actions.

Together, we have grown the company. Through partnership and dedication, we consistently demonstrate competence and reliability.

For Our Customers

Our customers expect high-quality products and timely delivery. We meet these expectations with speed and reliability at all levels.

As a competent partner, we continuously work to improve existing products while striving to enhance quality and reduce environmental impact.

We ensure optimal service for our customers through prompt action and dependable delivery. We achieve this by adhering to agreements and adopting a flexible and straightforward approach.

Our consistently high product quality is guaranteed through rigorous checks and process improvements. Quality for us also includes informing customers about environmental aspects and production methods.

For Our Suppliers

We maintain fair and cooperative relationships with our suppliers to ensure high quality and efficient environmental protection throughout the production chain.

For Our Environment

We protect our environment.
By assessing the current and future environmental impacts of our products and production processes, we preserve our natural resources.

Our goal is to reduce or avoid environmental impact and resource consumption through targeted measures, supported by accident and emergency prevention.

We engage in open dialogue with authorities and the public on environmental issues, taking the concerns of our communities seriously as part of our sense of responsibility.

The production of low-emission and environmentally friendly products is important to us and our customers. We place great importance on respecting natural ecological cycles.

Our aim is to continuously improve energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

We are committed to promoting sustainable forestry. We pledge to do our utmost to avoid illegal logging, violations of traditional or civil rights, threats to particularly valuable forests or ecosystems, conversion of forests, and the use of genetically modified organisms.

We are neither directly nor indirectly involved in:

  • Illegal logging or the trade of illegal wood or forest products.
  • Violations of traditional or civil rights in forestry work.
  • Destruction of protected values in forests through forestry activities.
  • Significant conversion of forests into plantations or non-forest areas.
  • Introduction of genetically modified organisms into forestry activities.
  • Violations of ILO Core Principles as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998).

Our Employees Are Our Greatest Asset

We prioritize the safety and protection of our employees in the workplace. Furthermore, we adhere to the social criteria and health and safety requirements defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

FSC Core Labor Standards

As part of our commitment to the FSC Core Labor Standards, we ensure:

  • No child labor:
    • No person under 18 is employed in hazardous work unless they are in training as permitted by national laws.
    • Light work is allowed for individuals aged 13-15, provided it does not interfere with their education or harm their health and development.
    • Worst forms of child labor are strictly prohibited.
  • No forced or compulsory labor:
    • No physical or sexual violence, debt bondage, or withholding of wages.
    • No restriction of employee mobility or confiscation of identification documents.
    • Employment relationships are voluntary and based on mutual consent.
  • Non-discrimination:
    • Employment and professional practices are non-discriminatory, ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining:
    • Employees are free to form or join organizations of their choice.
    • Negotiations with employee representatives are conducted in good faith.
    • Collective agreements are respected and implemented where they exist.
  • Safe working environment:
    • We provide a safe workplace, ensuring the health and safety of our employees.

There are no additional locations, especially abroad.