Vinyl step elements system

The k-stairs staircase-system is suitable for renovation of old wooden, stone or concrete staircases, as well as for new buildings. The advantages: quick installation, low noise pollution and permanent accessability.

Traffic category

Living rooms with intensive use
Suitable for commercial areas with heavy use

Important characteristics with respect to health, safety and energy savings in accordance with EN 14041

Wear resistant
Impact resistant
Emission Class E 1
Stain resistant
Resistant to household chemicals
Suitable for use on underfloor heating (warm water systems)
Anti-slip surface R10
Impact sound insulation

The benefits of the vinyl step system

Fitting time

The stair elements of the k-stairs system do not require priming, filling or sanding. The landing stair allows for quick and level connection of the Clic vinyl to the adjacent landing and floor surfaces. For uneven wooden floors, we recommend fitting our landing levelling floor, which eliminates the need for complex levelling of the subfloor. The matching Clic Vinyl floats without gluing.

Harmonious transitions that match the decor

The staircase blends in perfectly with your living environment. The steps, strings and floor form a single unit. The effect is as though the surfaces of the individual elements came from the same mould. The k-stairs stairway system offers materials that match the decor perfectly.

High safety standards

The k-stairs step elements comply with all relevant safety requirements. The step surface has been certified with the Category R10 anti-slip surface, and the fire performance of the steps has been graded Bl-s1.

Low maintenance

The vinyl covering is hygienic, resistant to chemicals, is easy to clean and maintain, and keeps its authentic appearance for a long time.

Low noise

The level of noise in the entire stairwell is reduced thanks to the combination of the vinyl covering and HDF step bodies. Using suitable fixing adhesives, it is possible to obtain an acoustic decoupling that also has a positive effect on the stairwell acoustics.

Free access

The elimination of the otherwise usual preparatory work such as priming, filling and sanding keeps to a minimum work in the stairwell that disrupts both residents and passing trade. Cutting the step elements to the exact size is done away from the staircase.